Issue Position: Streets, Sidewalks and other Infrastructure

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Engage citizens to prioritize infrastructure repairs/upgrades and take action

Recognize that the volume of repairs/upgrades necessary exceeds existing funding to get all needs addressed immediately (total costs are estimated into the billions)

Involve citizens with the help of neighborhood associations to (a) inventory infrastructure repairs/upgrades on their street and (b) identify first, second and third level priorities

Highlight examples of first level needs like the following quote from a resident: "We've been trying to get sidewalks here for the past 20 years. I'm on the list of calling … for 10 years…"

Serve as a strong advocate for you and our neighborhoods by lobbying the city to immediately focus on first level repairs/upgrades

Find remedies for citizens who pay taxes for nonexistent drainage in parts of our district

Accomplishment: Prioritizing Neighborhood Infrastructure Needs

The response was tremendous for the recent Neighborhood Leadership Summit held in our district. The end result was a priority list of infrastructure needs in our local neighborhoods, which we then presented to the City of Indianapolis for review and consideration.
